
Voice Lessons

Private lessons are recommended for individuals looking to increase range, eliminate breaks, solidify technique, correct bad habits, repair damage and/or add beauty to their voice. If the voice isn’t functioning well, every other aspect of singing is limited. Therefore, balancing the voice and bridging the passagio are essential if a singer wants any degree of flexibility or longevity. Audition and performance preparation, style coaching and repertoire growth are included in lessons, but good technique is of primary importance.

Piano Lessons

The Addleman Vocal Studio offers piano lessons to beginning and intermediate students 10 years old and up, with an emphasis in learning to play by ear and improvisation, as well as note reading. An understanding of how Chord Progressions and inversions work and what is called the “Nashville Numbering System” will allow students to quickly progress into playing some of their favorite songs! Must be willing to practice 4-5 days/week-30 min/day.

Guitar Lessons

We have just recently begun working with beginning level guitar students 12 years old and up as well. You can learn proper finger technique, strumming patterns, and other simple methods to quickly be able to get up and running.

Group Lessons

Al is also available to come to your church or school and work with groups. Whether it is a choir, a worship team, or a classroom full of students, Al can quickly advance the quality of your entire group or class. This is an excellent way to get everyone on the same page quickly and make sure all of your singers are at the same level with their understanding and application of technique. Go to the Contact page for more information.